7 Things NOT To Do in Kuwait : Both Men & Women Should Avoid Doing These

There are things not to do in Kuwait as it has changed a lot since the gulf war. It is now a wealthy and safe country with a very low crime rate which makes it an ideal starting point for travelers who want to experience the Muslim world and Arabian hospitality. However, as with any country that is culturally different from our own there are still some things you should avoid in Kuwait.

Brief History

The tiny country, a British protectorate from 1899 to 1961, gained international notice in 1990 when Iraqi forces invaded and sought to conquer it. Within days of commencing an attack in February 1991, a United Nations coalition commanded by the United States pushed Iraq’s army out of Kuwait, but the fleeing invaders plundered the nation and set fire to most of its oil wells (see Persian Gulf War). Kuwait has substantially recovered from the war’s impacts and now boasts one of the world’s highest per capita incomes.

Kuwait’s typically conservative government continues to give considerable monetary advantages to Kuwaiti residents, and the country has remained reasonably stable despite conservative sections in society resisting advances such as women’s suffrage (women were not granted voting rights until 2005). In an otherwise tumultuous region, it has been described as an “oasis” of quiet and safety.


Know before you go: Things not to do in Kuwait

  1. Don’t photograph everything you may want to document your trip but be careful when taking photos to avoid taking photos of or near infrastructure oil fields or government buildings as this can lead to detention or arrest. Also, some shopping centers have prohibited photography too.
  2. Don’t underdress that although Kuwaiti people are diverse and tolerant they are conservative. It’s fine to wear a bikini at the hotel pool but not at the public beach. Avoid short skirts or shorts low necklines and sleeveless shirts dress conservatively and they’ll respect you for it.
  3. Don’t refuse an invite if you’re invited to an Arab home. Always accepts it’s the best way to learn more about their culture and be respectful and grateful. They will probably ask you what you think of their country and comment about the people and the culture but avoid religion and politics especially if your views are negative. The emir of Kuwait is venerated and insulting him verbally or otherwise can be punished by up to seven years of prison time.
  4. Don’t hire a car. The people of Kuwait are conservative and civilized until they get behind the wheel. Kuwaiti drivers are not known for their respect for the highway code or indeed any rules of the road lack of seat belts, use of mobile phones, running red lights speeding, and lack of any kind of signaling are all too common occurrences. So the risk of an accident is high if you can avoid hiring a car to do so.
  5. Don’t stare. Staring at people is considered offensive and rude whereas normally you may sit in a cafe and watch people walk by in Kuwait. This would be considered offensive especially if you’re staring at your opposite.
  6. Don’t ask for beer. Alcohol is totally prohibited in Kuwait. It can’t be imported manufactured or served not even by permit holders or at a hotel. Asking for a beer in Kuwait is tantamount. To ask a rock for some honey number the seven other things to avoid public displays of affection especially if you’re homosexual homosexual acts are illegal in Kuwait.
  7. Avoid using your left hand for eating or shaking hands. Remember right hand clean left hand dirty avoid calling a taxi from the roadside always book one beforehand and use a reputable company.

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