How to do online business in KUWAIT with social media platforms?
This is one business option that currently doing well and all you need is three things to Start a Business in KUWAIT:
- One minimum capital
- Second Facebook page
- Third delivery
For deliveries, you can initially talk to any well-known taxi drivers and pay them 750 fails to 1kt per delivery. This delivery charge you can collect it from customers through orders and minimum capital which was mentioned is for buying the products and managing your business expense.
With a modest geographical mass of 20,000 square kilometers and a population of 4.2 million people, Kuwait is a potential location for foreign investment. Kuwait is the world’s eighth-largest exporter and tenth largest producer of oil.
Kuwait’s geopolitical location in the northern Arabian Gulf, bordering three major markets: Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran, makes it an ideal location for expanding into markets in Eastern Asia, Turkey, and Eastern and Central Europe.

Kuwait has a variety of industrial regions, the most important of which are Shuwaikh, Sabhan, and Shuaiba, as well as a Free Trade Zone at Shuwaikh port, which offers facilities for the import and export of commodities, materials, and other related activities
Learn about KUWAIT.
How to start doing business in Kuwait
- First, go to Facebook then go to Facebook pages and create an eye-catchy name for your Facebook page. This is how you have to do it step by step.
- So once you have created the Facebook page design a logo. there are various free websites to create a free logo
- Now your page is ready next we need products initially start with a category that you know well. For example, if you are more interested in cosmetics dresses kids’ toys you can start to source for these kinds of items. how to start with electronics and kitchen items. You can find 99 of all the items in Kuwait. Just search patiently for the best price and suppliers. So that now you have selected the items all you have to do is a little bit of editing which is very easy. we don’t need to have more knowledge about editing if I can do it I am sure anyone can also do it.
- so well you have done 80% of the work now all you have to do is promote your Facebook page first and share your Facebook page with your friends and family members. In this way, you get your community followers with a limited reach to get more genuine followers. All you have to do is invest in Facebook ads. In this way, Facebook will share your post and promote your page to more people so now let us see the working model of business so friends this is the working model which you have to create initially at the starting of the business.

so If you put 250 kd as a minimum investment and for Facebook ads, you will invest 50 kd and the rest 200 kd you will keep it for buying the products so if you can generate a sale of 500 kd with 15 margins apart from your expenses you will get 25 kd per month. So this is the graph on how to increase your business so all you have to do is work on more margin initially you will work with 15.30 and the maximum is 50.
So this is how you can work as a margin to your business try to increase your sale as a slab wise initially work with 500 kd as a target for the first couple of months then slowly increase your target to thousand and thousand five hundred People are doing this business from past several years so you could guess on what slab you would be it’s up to you.
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