Kuwait is a desert oasis in the Arabian Gulf’s southwest corner. The state is becoming a more attractive alternative for teachers due to its huge expat community, excellent standard of living, and a moderate amount of Western influence.
What does an expat teacher mean ?
Expat is the short form of expatriate. It means the teacher leaves the country of origin and settled abroad for a long time, almost permanently for the sake of teaching profession.
Kuwait has a turbulent history and some infamous neighbors, so it hasn’t always been a feasible option for teaching abroad. However, the country’s foreign school sector has exploded in recent years, with new expats wanting to provide their children with Western education.
Kuwait, unlike Dubai and Abu Dhabi, has withstood the all-out commercialism that has altered the rest of the Gulf, allowing you to have a genuine Arabian experience.

According to Richard Marchant, principal of Kuwait’s New English School, the “Kuwaitization” program has had an impact on the number of expat families searching for spots in foreign schools. Although the visa application procedure has gotten more restrictive, this hasn’t hampered his ability to attract instructors.
So people have been complaining about the weather in the UK but it’s about 45 degrees in Kuwait. So it’s really good. It’s a little bit warmer than it is here. people just need some time to know to chill out a little bit and follow on after. Everything is well organized just settled in really pleasing fantastic.
The biggest difference is the fact that to get up a lot earlier here so the school we have to be in school for about 6:50 in the morning so people usually get about 5 o’clock get ready get dressed go to school and teachers teach a maximum of four periods a day but the sessions again are different to the UK in the sense that they’re 18 minutes compared to the hour that we’ve got but you don’t feel it.
Working as an expat teacher in Kuwaiti school
It’s good that time passes quite quickly seems like a very nice life. Students are completely different again to the UK and they don’t need to be pushed as much there are a lot more willing there are a lot more hard-working and enthusiastic about the stuff. They never complain about maths most of them. There aren’t that many behavioral issues which have been a really nice change. They’re really good definitely so regarding, working and living in Kuwait.
Cultural Difficulties
You don’t really feel it that you’re in Kuwait. It’s only when you’re out and about and you start getting a little bit stressed out sometimes with the driving of the buses and the cars and the constant beeping so you just have to learn to be a little bit patient and it’s realizing you’ve got to get used to it and it’ll be fine after that’s going to be the difference.
About Food
you could want anything you could want you can find it here. Food has not been a big issue because the food isn’t really anything. that’s really good and finally for any teachers who were thinking about moving overseas and thinking about moving to Kuwait and working at the English academies is great for them.
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Selling online courses is an amazing opportunity to teach people what you know and get paid for it at the same time.
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Who this course is for:
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- Must be qualified to teach online high school, vo-tech, corporate training workshops, or college courses
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Everything you need to know to teach online high school, vo-tech, college, or corporate courses. We will address creating instructor presence and instructional effectiveness using:
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We will introduce important practical theories that help you make effective choices in the classroom and provide great talking points for interviews:
- Adult Learning Theory
- Cognitivism
- Behavioralism
- Constructivism
We will share tips for writing successful:
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Who this course is for:
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In general, when you come over to work in the Middle East you’ve really got to prepare yourself for hard work and you’ve got to really put the hours in because there is a lot more pressure teachers find from the students themselves than anything you know they have such high expectations of you and you really have to live up to that so that what teachers probably have to prepare themselves for and to not be scared to put in the hours you will reap the rewards at the end of the day you know however how much work you put in you’ll get back in their grades so you’ve got to really prepare yourself for that.
Plan lessons, activities and assessment with the ELL in mind, and create an engaging and welcoming environment for the ELL and their families.
This Specialization covers lesson planning and assessing with the ELL in mind as well as engaging the ELL student and their families in the school and community. In the final Capstone Project, you’ll apply the skills you learned by creating an annotated lesson plan and assessment with appropriate modifications for the ELL students. You will also develop a bank of resources for engaging the ELL in your school and community.
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How to Survive with Extreme Heat in Kuwait
How To Start An Online Business In Kuwait
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Top 5 Factors to Do A Food Business in Kuwait
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